Saturday, June 09, 2007

So Far So Good The All New 6.4L Diesel from Ford's Super Duty Line is Working Out Just Fine

As we continue to sell this truck, we haven't run into any problems. So far, so good. Many of you are just waiting for the problems to start right? As of right now, we haven't encountered any problems. Everything is working out really well. I know that Ford jumped the gun a little when they came out with the 6.0L and it took roughly 2 years to figure out this complicated engine. I know, not good! Basically Ford had one more crack at it and this is what it boils down to. They came out with the twin turbo 6.4 Liter Diesel Engine. All of our customers are extremely satisfied with this new truck and I believe it's going to be a winner. I found a couple of things that you should watch and read...

First of all, check out the following video.

Then, click here for some great information on this new truck


Let me know if there is anything else we can provide you.


Mike Weiland
Internet Sales Manager

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